Thursday, May 14, 2009


I have so many ideas and it's almost time to act.

I'm gonna drive to far away like North Carolina! Or South Carolina! I'm gonna go to the mountains and chill in a water fall!

Or maybe I'll take a cooking class.
There are so many opportunities! :]

Hmm Summer is a season where you can easily redefine yourself.
I'm going to do that.
Be like a vegetarian!

Anyways Summer is probably the most exciting time when you're in school. Not only because school's out, but also because the availability to do pretty much anything!!

Like find out new bands!!

Like Company of Thieves. I live on go there.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Does anyone find it odd that even though you may not have heard a song in years you can still remember the every word?

That JUST happened to me.

Does anyone have any ideas as to what I should fill my numerous amount of jars with?

Saturday, May 9, 2009

New days

Hey. Beginning post. Where I talk about whatever.

This'll be fun if I ever figure what to do here.